tiistai 31. toukokuuta 2011

Euroopan kiertueaikataulut

Britney on vahvistanut muutamia Femme Fatale- kiertuepaikkoja Euroopassa. Toistaiseksi Suomi ei ole listalla.
Moscow, Russia (Olimpiiski) – 24th September 2011 (On sale : 6th June)
Kiev, Ukraine (Palace of Sports) – 27th September 2011 (On sale : 6th June)
Zurich, Switzerland (Hallenstadion) – 3rd OCtober 2011 (On sale : 6th June)
Amnéville, France (Galaxie) – 5th October 2011 (On sale : 6th June)
Paris, France (Paris Bercy) – 6th October (On sale : 6th June)
Herning, Denmark (Boxen) – 10th October 2011 (On sale : 7th June)
Montpellier, France (Montpellier Arena) – 21st October 2011 (On sale : 6th June)

maanantai 30. toukokuuta 2011

Kiertueaikataulut huomenna!

Britney twiittasi julkaisevansa maailmankiertueen aikataulut huomenna!
New tour dates being announced tmw. Stay tuned to see what part of the world my Femme Fatale Tour will be traveling to next. -Brit

perjantai 27. toukokuuta 2011

I Wanna Go- musiikkivideon kuvauksissa

Britney on aloittanut uuden musiikkivideonsa kuvaukset New Yorkissa. Brit julkaisi oheisen kuvan twitterissään.
Playing SIMON on my iPad on the I Wanna Go set to pass the time. -Britney
Hope you guys had a blast. Thx @1027KIISFM @z100newyork @siriusxmhits1 for introducing me to my new friends: http://twitpic.com/52up2o

maanantai 23. toukokuuta 2011

Billboard Music Awards




Britney esiintyi eilen illalla Billborard Music Awards- gaalassa.
Brit oli mukana Rihannan S&M- biisillä ja hän esiintyi myös Nickin kanssa Till The World Ends- remixillä.
B näyttää todella upealta!!!

perjantai 20. toukokuuta 2011

Britney harjoituksissa

People- lehti on julkaissut kuvia Britneystä FF- kiertueen tanssiharkoissa. Kuvien ja tekstin perusteella Britney näyttää olevan timmissä kunnossa.

For the last six weeks, she’s been training for 90 minutes a day, followed by another five hours of dance rehearsals in preparation for her North American tour, kicking off June 16 in Sacramento.
But it’s certainly not derailing her efforts. Spears’s workouts and her 1,500-calorie-a-day nutrition plan have whipped her into top tour shape.

keskiviikko 18. toukokuuta 2011

Jimmy Kimmeliin

Britney vierailee jälleen tiistaina 24.5, Jimmy Kimmel- showssa!
Luvassa on ainakin musiikkiesitys (I Wanna Go?) ja ilmeisesti myös haastattelu.

I Wanna Go- kansikuva

FF:n kolmannen singlen virallinen kansikuva.

tiistai 17. toukokuuta 2011

HB- haastattelu

This shoot for Harper’s Bazaar was incredible. We shot at a hidden skate park in Malibu: http://ow.ly/4Vojl -Brit
Harper's Bazar on julkaissut Britney- haastattelunsa sekä uusia Alexi Lubomirski kuvia.

LAURA BROWN: What has been your best fashion look?

BRITNEY SPEARS: I went to the Grammys in 2002, and I had really curly, curly hair. I had a red dress on. It wasn’t short and saucy; it was a long red dress. That dress was fun.

LB: What was your biggest fashion mistake?
BS: Ten years ago at the Billboard awards, I wore this orange hat and orange bra and orange booty pants and purple fishnets. Oh, and I had an orange jacket on.

LB: Was it Halloween?

BS [laughs]: No, it wasn’t Halloween. I actually thought I looked hot at the time. But, um, I definitely stood out. I thought it was just a marvelous idea to wear this purple and orange outfit; it was like high school colors. I was a cheerleader for a school I didn’t know. People were talking about it, but not in a good way.

LB: Your hair is looking long and lustrous. Are you whipping it back and forth?
BS: Yeah, I love ponytails. I’m a wash-and-go girl. But, oh yeah, I like to whip it.

LB: Are you enjoying dancing again?
BS: I love to dance, so it’s very exciting. The tour rehearsals have been going really well. I think it will be my best show yet.

LB: Will you pull out any giant snakes?

BS: Ha, we’ll see about that. Hopefully, I won’t be in the wilderness onstage.

LB: What songs get you moving?
BS: I love “S&M” and “Only Girl” by Rihanna; that’s why I jumped on the “S&M” remix. She’s really cool. I like her a lot.

LB: Everybody has Bieber fever. Have you met Justin? Would you ever want to work with him?
BS: I think he’s adorable. I just saw his movie, and I really didn’t realize how big he was. He’s enormous; he’s just Mr. Man. A lot of the movie is really similar to what I did when I was starting out. I did a promo tour for a year, going into radio stations and all that. It was so cool to see our similarities.

LB: “It’s Britney, bitch” is classic, but you say you’re less bitchy than impatient. What makes you impatient?
BS: When things take a long time, I just get really stubborn. When I know that things are supposed to go a certain way [laughs] and when it’s my time of the month.

LB: What makes you laugh uncontrollably?
BS: Usually when people trip or fall or run into something. Not to be mean, but I can’t help it. If they really hurt themselves, then I feel bad, but if they accidentally do it and they stand up and act cool like nobody saw them, I have to laugh.

LB: It’s been eight years since you kissed Madonna onstage at the MTV awards. What have you learned from her?
BS: I actually saw her a couple of weeks ago at a party. I guess she’s really taught me to stay true to myself. That seems like a simple thing to say, but she taught me through action, not just by saying it. There are so many people around you that have opinions, but you just have to listen to your instincts.

LB: You’ve said Jennifer Lopez inspires you professionally. Would you ever want to be a judge on American Idol?
BS: I would! That would be awesome. I wouldn’t be a tough judge, though.

LB: What do you think of Lady Gaga?
BS: She’s unique and extremely talented. I love her spin on everything.

LB: On your Web site, you have a “BS Alert” where you clear up gossip. Have you ever been tempted to make something up to see what happens?
BS: No way! They make up enough stories without my help.

LB: How has being a mom affected how you approach your career?
BS: I think things through a little bit more, and I worry a lot. I’m more straightforward, and I speak up more than I did before. When I was younger, I wouldn’t speak up as much, but now that I’m a mom, things have changed.

LB: Would you like to get married again? More kids?
BS: I’ve thought about both, so if the timing was right …

LB: Could you see your sons performing?
BS: If they have a love and passion for the arts and that’s what they want to do, then so be it. They are both little actors and so charismatic, I wouldn’t be surprised at all.

LB: Which one of your hits made you realize you’d made it?
BS: From the beginning, probably “… Baby One More Time.” I haven’t seen that video in such a long time.

LB: What’s your favorite video?
BS: “Overprotected.” I just think it says a lot. It was directed so well, it was really colorful, and the dancing was amazing.

LB: Who is your greatest inspiration musically?
BS: Whitney Houston. I’ve loved her since I was a kid.

LB: If you met yourself at a party, what would you think?
BS: If I met me, I would say a quick hello and then think that I was a really nice girl.

LB: What is your perfect day, morning through to night?
BS: Getting up with coffee–two cups of coffee. Having a good workout, taking a swim, my boys being there and just having a good day at the pool–we have a theme-park slide. We’d have snow cones, then I’d go to the movies and spend time with my boyfriend. Maybe a Femme Fatale moment [laughs].

LB: What is your guilty pleasure?
BS: Bapchi’s caramel toffee from Vosges. They were in my hotel room, and I made everyone bring them from their rooms.

LB: What don’t people know about you?
BS: I’m pretty normal, you know? Like I said, the type of day I love is just like everybody else’s. I’m like everybody else.

maanantai 16. toukokuuta 2011

Harper's Bazar- lehdessä!

 Britney poseeraa kesäkuun Harper's Bazar- lehdessä, Alexi Lubomirskin photoshootilla .
“I’ve worked so hard on this album, so it’s really refreshing” Britney says in the upcoming issue for Harper’s Bazaar magazine, by Laura Brown, photographs by Alexi Lubomirski.

14.5: Wango Tango

Britney näyttäytyi sunnuntaina Kiis FM:n Wango Tango tapahtumassa, upeassa pinkissä mekossa!
Lisää kuvia KTL- galleriassa.

lauantai 14. toukokuuta 2011

I Wanna Go seuraava single!

So excited 2 announce that the fan favorite #IWannaGo is my next single from Femme Fatale! Shhh, it's my fav too! http://bit.ly/kfDKfq -Brit
Britney vahvistaa, että ''I Wanna Go'' on Femme Fatalen seuraava single!
Mahtava valinta!

torstai 12. toukokuuta 2011

11.5: Southern Style

Britney ja Jason nähtiin eilen Southern Style tapahtumassa, jonka tarkoituksena on tukea mm. hurrikaani Katriinan avustustoimia.
Britney isännöi iltaa ja itse isä Jamie Spears tarjoili Louisianan herkkuja.

keskiviikko 11. toukokuuta 2011

FF- kiertueen promovideo

Ilmeisesti fanitekele, mutta mainitsemisen arvoinen!
Love this #FemmeFataleTour promo created by LaceLProductionz. What do you guys think?

perjantai 6. toukokuuta 2011

Maxim Hot 100- listalla

Maxim- lehti on listannut 100 seksikkäintä naista Hot 100- listalleen ja Britney on sijalla 25. Koko listan löydät täältä.

keskiviikko 4. toukokuuta 2011

Uusi haastattelu

Uusi haastattelu Femme Fatale- dokumenttia varten!

maanantai 2. toukokuuta 2011

Big Fat Bass kolmas single?

MartinLeaks huhuaa Femme Fatalen kolmannen singlen olevan Big Fat Bass.
Y’all know what the next Britney single is? I’ve been saying it for months… and it’s been confirmed.
not months… maybe weeks.
Britney’s next single is, like I’ve been saying for weeks now, “The Big Fat Bass.” Confirmed by Larry Rudolph on his personal profile page.
Will.I.Am shot tester shots for the video which was used as a backdrop in Britney’s BFB performance.
Britney will shoot the video before she goes on tour, but I’m not sure when it will be released.

Britney poikien kanssa

Britney jakaa kanssamme uuden kuvan hänen ja poikiensa teehetkestä.
Had a great time at the boys’ tee ball game yesterday, made the boys mama’s homemade sweet tea after! – Brit

sunnuntai 1. toukokuuta 2011

Sabi Femme Fatale kiertueelle!

Sabi vahvisti twitterissään esiintyvänsä muutamassa konsertissa Britneyn tulevalla kiertueella.
@SabiSoundz Why aren’t you touring with BRITNEY? I wish you were…
@ReiVallejo i might be doing a couple shows with her : )
@SabiSoundz EXCITING!!!! Just got my tickets today for Vegas.
@ReiVallejo i think im doing that one : )

Uusia FF- promokuvia