tiistai 28. heinäkuuta 2009

K-Federline: ''Olen onnelinen Britneyn puolesta!''

OK! Magazine on haastattellut K-Fed:tä. Tässä pieni pätkä siitä.

“I think it’s great,” he told OK! today at the 2nd Annual Ryan Sheckler X Games Celebrity Skins Classic golf tournament at the Coto de Cozo Golf and Racquet club in Coto de Cozo, Calif. “I’m happy for her. I’m glad she’s doing good.”As for the relationship between Kevin and his very famous ex-wife, all seems to be better than calm on that front as well, as he tells OK!, “It’s cordial. It’s cool. The whole situation is good right now.”

''Se on hienoa! Olen onnenllinen hänen puolestaan, kommentoi K- Fed golfturnauksen jälkeen Kaliforniassa.

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