''I can tell you... she's playing roles in this video. That is what I can give you," he explained. "In every role, she is dancing. She is going to be dancing throughout the whole video. Like I said: Dance is the focal point of this video.''
He also teased a bit about the costumes: "She's taking fashion risks. Things we've never seen her wear before she's wearing in this video, and I think it's just very sexy and it's a little bit playful," he added.Lisäksi Adam kertoi, että saamme uutta tietoa sekä albumista että videosta tällä viikolla!
"She's going to be doing something in this video that we've never seen her do. I'm not gonna tell you what that is but she's going to be sweating and she's going to be getting bruised and battered.
More importantly, keep an eye out for the album title, album cover and some sneak peeks of the HIAM video, all coming this week…..
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