perjantai 3. joulukuuta 2010

Uusi albumi maaliskuussa!

Ihania uutisia ja nyt ihan viralliselta taholta!
Just wanted to thank all of you for the amazing birthday wishes you guys have been sending all day.
My fans mean the world to me & waking up to all of your wishes really made me smile, so here’s something that I hope will make you smile…
I’m almost done with my new album and it will be coming out this March. I AM IN L-O-V-E WITH IT!
Ok, off on a romantic weekend with Jason for my birthday. xoxo Brit

PS – Star Magazine, Radar Online, Jason Alexander and the rest of you liars, Ya’ll can kiss my lily white southern Louisiana ass!
Lisäksi Britney kiitti  fanejaan onnitteluista ja kommentoi pahoinpitelytapausta.

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